
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in fashion, travel, style, food, and lifestyle. Hope you have a nice stay!





In this write up I want to discuss some of my thoughts on fashion and how I plan to consume fashion from this year onwards. I want to rediscover a balance of delight in my style as it naturally adapts and grows alongside me, while also finding a little more confidence in myself to experiment with and manipulate the newest trends without being consumed in them. I want to push my boundaries with my style and see where it takes me.

I have always openly loved fashion even at a younger age. I have been consuming fashion for some time now, although I am not much attracted to buying trendy items now, I do enjoy buying items that can be used over and over again for a long period of time. I honestly do most of my purchases via online shops. After a long day at work what lifts me up is mostly browsing through clothing or accessories on the internet, and most joyously buying an item I have been eyeing for weeks. What makes these moments even sweeter to me is when I finally receive these items, style them, and then take pictures to show them on social media. I see it as sharing my love for these items with all sorts of people who can take inspiration from my purchases and that gives me happiness and a sense of fulfillment.

I believe I can say most of us in this community also follow other amazing blogs, which I do as well. Mostly I find inspiration from some of my favorite social media influencers to seek out the best way to express myself via my looks. No matter what budget we find ourselves with, that's where I feel our personal fashion rules arise. What I wish for us to know is not to lose ourselves and our sense of style while we take inspiration from others. We all know that there are no fast rules about fashion, so seize the moments and create styles and looks that best suits you. And that will definitely bring out your uniqueness.


There's a multitude of ways to look stylish but what I do know is when it comes to this year, I would love to rediscover even more of a passion for styling and using what already exists in my closet to match the trends of the year. Since COVID, our style has evolved. We became so comfortable in our joggers therefore the trend this year, 2022, is more out there since the world is opening up a little bit. I want to be able to rediscover a balance between my style and trends, so I do not lag behind time but at the same time not be manipulated into buying each trend there is on the runway.

I also do not want to save things to wear for best times anymore - why should we spend money on items we claim to love only to treat them so preciously that we never get to show them off to the world in fear of losing or making them tattered. Well, that is why we need to take care of what we buy. Wear the pieces you spent so long tracking down and let that wear boost your self-confidence and style. Do not hide that Chanel, Dior, or Hermes bag because they were expensive. Then the question is; what was the essence of buying it anyway if you were going to put it on the shelves just to watch them. Use what you have saved a lot of money to acquire but take care of them while you use them.

For me, my style has evolved over the years, and now that I am grown and matured, I prefer to buy more high-end pieces that can always hold their value over time than indulging in buying every trend in the high street market. My idea of fashion has dramatically changed from unplanned and unnecessary purchases “mostly buying because it is beautiful even though I don’t need it” to more sustainable purchases that create iconic moments in my life. No matter the season, trends, budget (which is important not to go beyond) - every person have their fashion rules so stick to yours while taking inspiration from others to create your own. While doing so, have fun with it and do not restrict yourself or hold back on your style. Do what brings joy to you.

On a very personal level, I believe that, in as much as we set achievable goals to care for our physical and mental health, the same will be applied to our sense of style. Well, that's what fashion and style are, they're truly personal to each one of us and our individual situations. So set achievable goals in your style. For me, although I am just starting a career as a fashion blogger, I see a balance more easily between importance and fun. I feel my adoration for fashion can be rediscovered in so many different ways this year. I want to explore a different side of my style that can be a natural next step and not something just out of my grasp or something forced. While doing this, I want my style to mostly suit my lifestyle and my everyday routine to achieve a balanced style life.