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The journey of leveling up and becoming an elegant woman or man demands accepting you are an elegant person inside before the transformation outside. It is a two-way idea. Have a mindset of being an individual of high caliber and of class. So far as you think of yourself as such, you will act as such. It is a subconscious decision you have to make and since our subconscious is also working in agreement with what we think of ourselves, it easily manifests on the outside. The following are the tips to consider if you want to start an elegant lifestyle.

i. Define the lifestyle and goals you wish to attain.

This is a very productive exercise to do because if you know where you want to be it makes the journey easier and focused. If goals are set either monthly or quarterly in a year, it pushes you to work harder towards your achievement. It is important to decide and gets to know what exactly you want to achieve in this lifestyle and how that is going to benefit you. Mind you, not everyone has the same goals as you do, therefore be focused on what you choose to be your goal and don’t get distracted by what others are doing or thinking of you. Whatever your goals are, be prepared to strategize and execute your mission with a purpose.

ii.   Examine yourself:

We need to be conscious of our state of being hence we need to scrutinize ourselves from top to bottom and ask if this is what we want. And please, answer the question truthfully. If yes, then we can take the next step towards achieving our goals. The scrutiny will help you find out where you fall short of, items you lack, and the energy you need to get to that level. Then you can work to improve those areas that need work. Your actions and inactions will be laid right in front of you and this will help you correct your mistakes; for instance, you might find out you curse too much, you are too loud, disrespectful, etc. when you know of your shortcomings, it becomes easier to make amendments for them.

 iii. Have a strategy in your finances

Upgrading yourself as we have already discussed earlier requires both appearance and behavior. Hence your appearance will demand you have the financial security to be able to purchase items that will help you in your elegant lifestyle. It is important to have an income that serves as a cash flow and be ready to find your own way of financing yourself. It is okay if you have a man to supply you with your needs but it is also very achievable if you are doing this by yourself. Sometimes it may require you having to do double jobs and saving to buy the things that will help in your upgrade. You have to make some sacrifices in the leveling up journey and as soon as you understand that the better for you to embrace your journey

iv. Education is important

In this journey, you hope to meet high-caliber people who have higher levels of education or are very specialized in certain areas of knowledge. It is very important to educate yourself formally and informally. Be ready to learn new things to improve your conversations. This will help you in gaining a lot of respect wherever you find yourself. Register and study for courses that will help you in your journey. It may be different for each person but it is important to know your circle to study towards any meeting. As the saying goes, preparation meets opportunity, if you are prepared, you are confident to speak eloquently and very effectively.

v. Be secretive about your intentions

It is very important to keep your plans to yourself and not throw them around. Because of many reasons which we will talk about later in subsequent blogs but most importantly, there are a lot of “Nay Sayers” who do not see the vision you see and will be ready to discourage and criticize you. That is why it is very important to keep things to yourself in the beginning of the journey and let the results do the talking. As people see the changes in you, they would acknowledge it themselves and since it a positive impact, they might be interested in what is going on in your life. But even so, if you are not there yet to share with people, it is prudent to withhold information because your secret is your power.

 vi.  Take Action

Taking action is the most important of all these steps. You can go ahead and follow all these steps and enjoy pictures of others while wondering how your own would be and never take action. If goals are set and strategies are laid, the only thing left is to take action. That is my Mantra: Take Action!!! Do not feel comfortable where you are. Sometimes uncertainties and insecurities stop us from achieving what our hearts really desire. Put the fear aside and start your leveling up the journey.