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Hi, my La Sap ladies,

Today we will learn about how an elegant lady behaves around the dining table. There are very simple things that we do that give us away that we are not polished enough. For this reason, I have these simple tips that we can observe frequently and will help master the act of elegance while eating. In the first section, I will give you how to set a dinner table and the second part will be the tips to observe. With consistency, you will get better at it but you need to be conscious of your actions all the time in the beginning.

What are table manners? Table manners are basically your behavior around the table including how you hold cutlery, how you eat, and even conversations you hold. All are inclusive in observing table manners.

Another question one may ask is why do we need to observe these around a table especially now that everything is informal way. It is important to do so basically to make yourself feel comfortable and others around you feel at ease. Hence, it is important to practice table manners at all times.

In sitting at a table as a guest, wait for the host to have their seat first, then you will do so, and if you are a host, point the seat to your guest then you will have your seat. Always remember, the guest gets the best seats. For instance, if there is a nice view or entrance to some beautiful display, the guest faces that area.

Below is a picture showing the arrangement of the dining table. On your left are your glasses, tallest and biggest at the back to the shortest in front. Hold the glasses with a stem by their stem without fingers touching the globe. For red wine glass is held by the bottom of the globe to the stem and for white wine hold the glass by the stem. Most water glasses do not have stems so held by the base sides.

Use a butter knife to spread your butter on the bread and then take pieces at a time. Next will be a bowl of soup if you ordered that, make sure to scoop gently from the opposite side away from you and bring to the mouth to sip. Then to the next course which is salad use your cutleries (salad fork and knife). Some may prefer to keep a fork and knife in their hands when eating or others may prefer to put a knife on the plate before using the fork to take in the food towards the mouth. Next will be the main course where you use your main course cutlery (Dinner fork and knife) to cut small portions of food into your mouth. When you are done eating, place your fork and knife, 12 to 6 or 9 to 4 o’clock with fork upward or downward. Next will be the desert, use fork and spoon. Fork to help cut and spoon for eating.

Now to the tips,

  1. After sitting down do not slouch your body, sit upright, row your shoulders backward, and don’t lean on the chair. Allow space between your seat and the chair.

  2. Do not put your elbows on the table while eating however you can do so in between courses or while having conversations.

  3. Leave your hand on your lap whenever you are not holding cutlery or eating if you prefer.

  4. Keep your smartphone off the table. Silent it and put it in your bag or pocket. Do not check emails, messages, or missed calls until you are finished and away from the table.

  5. If you have a large bag, ask for a bag holder to hang your bag on or put it on an empty chair nearby your seat or between the space behind where you are seated and the chair. But if it is small like a clutch, then you can put it on your lap and cover it with a napkin. Whatever you do, never put your bag on the floor (ground level) or on the table. Always put above ground level.

  6. Remember to use your napkin. Unfold your napkin and place it on your lap to gently wipe your fingers or dap your lips if necessary. If you are going to use the bathroom and would be back, place the napkin on the chair to indicate you will be back however if you are leaving for good, then place on the left-hand side gently folded and leave.

  7. Wait until you are done chewing to sip or swallow a drink. This will prevent you from choking.

  8. Instead of reaching across the table for something, ask for it to be passed to you.

  9. Chew food with your mouth closed and do not make sounds while eating. Please do not pick your teeth at the table.

  10. Lastly, take part in the conversation at the table but never open your mouth to speak while there is food in your mouth.

    Lastly, if you were at a restaurant, raise your hand at the elbow level to indicate the time to bring in the bills for payment. If you were a guest, make sure to send a ‘thank you” note to your host the next day to show appreciation. And if you were highly impressed by the food or the host, you can add some flowers.

    Thank you for reading.

    Stay classy at the dining table.

