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Most of our time is spent in the workplace as 9-to-5 working people. Hence I beseech each elegant individual to dress to suit their working environment. The following are a few tips to look out for in selecting clothes for the workplace.

1.             Consider your type of work:

Ask yourself a few questions. Are you a corporate working woman/man or you are a manual worker? When you know your office environment it helps in buying items that you need and not purchasing things that you do not need. This paves way for you to save enough to buy necessities and not trends. I would advise a corporate working person to stick to tailored clothes such as suits, pants, blazers, dresses, etc. in environments where the dressing code is quite flexible then go for more loose clothing but still of good qualities. For ladies, depending on your work environment jeans may be allowed but mostly I would advise to go for white or ecru colors since those are elegant colors. Have you heard people say I have nothing to wear but they will be standing in front of a closet filled with clothes. This is what I am talking about. If you do not buy what you need, you will have plenty of clothes but nothing to wear. We will talk more in depth on clothing later on in the blog.

2.           Invest in the best quality:

 I see shopping for clothes and other accessories as investment. In investments, one expects to have returns. So the question is , if I am the one purchasing the clothes, what do I get in return. Now let me tell you, investing in the right clothing put you on a pedestal and with that there are so many opportunities that will come your way. Again if you buy good quality clothing, you would be compelled to take good care of them and there is always returns in money form if you decide to sell the items. But in situation where one go for the cheapest clothing, rest assured after washing once or twice, they become waste in your wardrobe and you might have to trash it. They are not able to stand wash and the cloth will shrink or the fit will be distorted. I know this from experience, so instead of buying a lot of trendy clothing of bad quality buy few with great quality. I am not saying your wardrobe should be full of designer or high-end items, you can always mix and match high and low but with the clothes that you use most often invest in quality. Knowing that unpredictable times definitely call for a wardrobe that is ready for anything; that is what I want you to invest your money in. This will help your wardrobe to be versatile and exude class in any situations.

 3.          Choose clothes that are high performance with low maintenance:

It is prudent to purchase items that have low maintenance but gives a statement. And this is more relatable to the fabrics when selecting clothes. Your clothes should be refined, yet unfussy; it should carry power yet feminine for the ladies. This will help you to get the job done stylishly. Being a boss of your work and taking control of your style is very important in the workplace and an elegant lady can achieve both at the same time. I remember once I went for an Entomology conference and most people were dressed very basic and casual but I was all dressed up and put together, ready to deliver an conquer. Right there and then, two people (a lady and a man) on different occasions came to me and asked if I were a professor. When I told them I was a student they willingly offered if I would be interested in joining their lab upon completion of my studies. This is what I call when “style meets profession”. I tell you it works miracles in your life. It has happened to me on several occasions hence my ladies, dress as though you are the only one in the room but in an elegant and up to standard for the occasion. And as you are dressed, there is a motivation for you to excel in whatever you are doing.

 4.           Really cool and at the same time comfortable:

Although I am advocating to dress to show you are prepared all the time, I also want to say it is important to feel comfortable in your skin. This will help you to enjoy the clothing. Hence dress to suit the season and the occasion. If it summer focus on clothes and fabrics that are airy and breathable. For instance linen, cotton, silk or satin clothes and other light weight fabrics.  Styles that are suitable for the occasion and makes you feel comfortable. In colder seasons, invest in wool and cashmeres that would protect you from falling sick. Just because you want to be stylish does not mean you should freeze to death. Now that we are in fall, think of fall/winter-friendly styles made of selection of protective fabrics.

 5.            Energizing and empowering clothes

There are some clothes that energizes you by giving you the confidence you need. That is what an elegant lady/man needs in their working wardrobe. Confidence is an essential tool in the journey of transformation into an elegant person and one can easily feel this by what they wear. Ladies and gentleman, please do not wear clothes that you are scared or ashamed to be in public with. If your inner self is not confident and does not feel great in the clothes you are wearing, change it. It is going to affect your mood and motions all day. And you will not feel energized and unempowered at work. On the other hand, some clothes, just put you into “ready to work and deliver” mood and at the end of the day, you stand a greater chance of having a productive and fulfilling day.

 6.          Clothes that enhance mindful growth

With this point, I will touch a little about the color of clothes to wear to the work place. This can impact your mindset and growth. Brighter colors, for me brighten up my day but it doesn’t mean you should be wearing multi-colors to work. Invest in solid colors of clothes that match with your skin color tone. Also buy more of neutrals such as white, beige, black, grey etc. that you can wear to the office and feel you have grown to become a great powerful boss. Buy clothes, that make positive impact and changes your subconscious mind. You feel beautiful and elegant. Others around you will also feel and see that. When the mind is at peace, it makes you love yourself more and this is seen in your work performance. Success in some way has something to do with what you wear.

Ladies and gentlemen, please keep these points in mind anytime you are out there shopping for your working wardrobe.

