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Tips to develop your personal style as an elegant lady

Hello, my chic ladies;

Developing your own personal style as an elegant woman may seem very difficult because you may be enjoying your comfort zone for now even though it might not be what you aspire for. It takes brevity to let go of your old habits same with style. Hence I am here to help make it easier for you. Growing up, I had always loved fashion and was conscious of how I looked. However, I did not know if it was elegant or not, although I combined my clothing very well. Being an elegant lady is a process and the journey takes time depending on the person. Some are born into it, others learn which I was in that category but at the end of the day, if you are determined, you can make it.

In this article, we will go through step-by-step ways of building your own style and elevating your closet. We will learn how to shop for items that befit your lifestyle and at the same time feel elegant and classy in them.

Rachael Zoe once said, “Your style is a lot like any long-term relationship, if you don’t shake things up once in a while and experiment, boredom sneaks in”. With this at the back of our minds, let's go deeper into tips to developing our own style.

Tip 1- Find your icon style:

There are a lot of elegant women out there on social media. Find one that you admire her style. You can have three or four of them. They may be celebrities or even your friend. Look for their pictures, look for their fashion tips and immerse yourself in their style. If she is your friend, ask her a lot of questions and if possible ask for a tour in her closet. It gives an idea of the items she has and things you will need as well. Ask her to describe her fashion style to you and this will help prepare your mind for your next investment. Either way, it is very important to take notes and see if you have similar pieces in your own closet. It then becomes easier to shop for yourself. Combine your personality and uniqueness. With the help of the icon whom you admire, elegance tips, and elements of elegant style, you can create your own style and become your own woman.

Tip 2- Find out your Comfort Zone in fashion:

Every woman has an item in their closet they keep buying over and over again. How I wish clothes could talk, they would scream at me to stop buying tailored blazers and basics because they are my happy place. Those items you have harbored excessively over the years of the same kind in different fabrics and colors are your comfort zone. It is safe and familiar to you. I hope these items are a major asset of your style as you go deeper in the search and they are beneficial in your day-to-day activities. If not there is going to be a lot of shopping going forward and you might have to stop buying them and focus on beneficial items.

Tip 3- Buy a full-length mirror and use it:

Try a few pieces of items you own in front of the full-length mirror and assess how you feel in them. Then, assess the pieces of your newfound style you have developed. Be faithful in your assessment and then compare the two. Take pictures of these clothes from different angles. Then begin to gauge how they look on you. Make sure to validate your style in your daily activities. For instance, I am a student hence I go for really quality basics that make me feel comfortable on daily basis and classy as well. You cannot be all suited up and in heels just to go and sit in the laboratory to work. Make sure your style fits into your daily routine. Although you can have a few fancy outfits for dates and other special events like conferences, balls, church, weddings, etc., they should not take a major portion of your closet. This is because we want to have a workable wardrobe. As you look at yourself, assess how you feel emotionally. Any clothes I wear that make me feel secure, confident, and happy, are what I go for. Those clothes that help me to be my elegant self are my signature. Take that into account as well.

You may be someone who likes to wear oversized clothing, maybe it’s time to accentuate your natural curves by wearing clothing that brings out your silhouette and doesn’t get all swallowed up in your clothing. You might like it. Please do not buy tight clothing just to accentuate your body curves. Try some pencil skirts or some tailored blazers and you might feel immediately ready for a promotion.

Tip 4- Trust your instincts:

Don’t be afraid to be criticized or get responses from friends or spouses. Just make sure they have great taste too. Being confident in yourself exudes “good-looking”. Every elegant lady must learn to be that. So go for what makes you confident. Trust your instincts on how you look and do not always listen to what people say because you are not dressing up for them.

Tip 5- Think of an adjective that describes your style:

As you think of the adjective that describes your style, it should be based on how you feel in those clothes and how you would want to be addressed. Words such as glamorous, elegant, gorgeous always flood out in my mind when I am going on dates. Words like effortless, chic, strong, timeless, classy are the adjectives I think of in my daily routine. Develop your own words and as you think about them over and over to yourself and dress as such, people will start to see that in you.


Once you have gone through these steps, I believe you can build a wardrobe that defines you and encodes your signature style. The embodiment of your signature style pays off as you cultivate it since confidence is seen and people will start to address you as who you are. Most importantly, it prevents waste of money on items you do not need.


