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Historically, the first of December has been thought of as the year's final milestone. It served as a figurative wake-up call to accomplish some last-minute goals and even a starting point for planning how to top them all the following year, signaling to me that it was the final call, so to speak, for the objectives I set for myself back in January which put so much pressure on me.

But I like to think that now I've figured out how to approach December and end the year in a much more laid-back manner focusing on the good things and accomplishments in my life and being grateful for all. Instead of a sliding tackle, feet first, through the goal posts completely, I'd rather be a little bit more kind and gentler on myself and appreciative of my loved ones.

I discovered a few years back that for me, the concept of resolutions began far earlier than the start of the New Year. As soon as December arrived, I began to feel under strain and overburdened by the prospect of setting new objectives and making resolutions—not to mention the dreaded comparison. In addition, I began to understand that much of the stress I was experiencing was, of course, self-inflicted, which meant I could take action now.

I focus on the things I can work to better them and rely on God for the ones I have no control on while working towards my goals. I firmly think that anything that comes into my life to help me develop and provide inspiration for my work should be welcomed with open arms, and I try to do my best to accept it, but I soon realized how unfulfilling that end-of-year push really was especially when what you set for yourself is not yet achieved. Not only did it feel out of place, but it was also seriously harmful to both my physical and mental health. Because, then I tend to compare myself to others which I hope never to go back to that. We all have a different journey we are embarking on so DO NOT COMPARE YOUR JOURNEY TO ANYONE.

As a result, I stopped making the traditional New Year's resolutions a few years ago since I always felt like I was resolving to alter myself rather than giving myself a few achievable goals. Ever since then I've noticed my relationship with myself growing and this already intense time of year, feeling a bit more calm than in past incarnations. A softer attitude everywhere has even helped my mindset and my moods. Even my internal dialogue has changed because of it, and everyone can gain from trying to conclude the year gently during a season that can be so challenging to manage.

It's a strategy that avoids concentrating entirely on what's to come or what has to change, breaking the old habit of failing to celebrate the present, as well as the most crucial realization: ‘I don't need to make big changes to improve myself. I'm not broken, and I don't need to move so quickly or I miss out on a time of year that is full of so much joy and so many of the things I cherish.’

If you can and even if it's only one item at this time of year that you can control, try to embrace it softly. Perhaps setting aside time for yourself, not asking more of yourself emotionally than you know you can offer, or even just completing the task required of you to accomplish it by the deadline for the holidays rather than pushing yourself further than you could ordinarily. Everyone should conclude the year in peace and harmony, including you.

Enjoy your holidays and take it easy on the new year!!!