
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in fashion, travel, style, food, and lifestyle. Hope you have a nice stay!



The world has adopted a pivot strategy, and 2020 has been a year that will almost surely go down in history. Since then, we have learned how to adapt to this situation. Nine-to-five (9to5) jobs now give employees the chance to work from home or remotely. Everything is now basically the internet operated after covid. The harsh reality of the economic slump has also caused many industries to wither, so it is time to let go of our inhibitions and learn how to develop and seize novel and exciting job opportunities.

Over the previous few months, there have been substantial areas of growth, destruction, and development, and the curve for new jobs is now flattening. Utilizing techniques like business networking, visiting a variety of events and conferences, and scheduling frequent initial meetings would be a surefire method to stand out and acquire agreements before the lockdown. However, people are still unsure if they want to be out in person to attend these meetings. Nonetheless, commitment, tenacity, and resilience should be your main tactics, just as they were in the days before covid, whether you're searching for a promotion or a powerful client to work with. However, right now all we need to do is learn how to apply these already-developed methods in our shifting culture in a much more creative yet valuable way.

1. Boost your online presence and personal brand:

Being seen and heard is more complicated than ever with the proliferation of social media applications. Digital technology has completely changed our society, therefore it's important to adapt if you don't want to fall behind. The ideal places to use business promotions and tactical selling tools in the social media platform haze are LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and/ or Pinterest because they all have the largest populations of business-minded people and peer-to-peer support. However, platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat are productive tools for a more flamboyant approach to creative and inventive marketing.

It should be no surprise that finding a niche audience and appealing to them is the key to building a loyal following. However, in order to reach a large audience, you need to have many profiles for both your personal and in some cases professional brand. You can reach a broader audience who is interested in you as a whole, for example, by establishing a personal blog and a secondary website with information about your business tools and attributes that will help people to discover what you do. For now, I have only a personal blog in which I share with my audience the things I love.

For instance, I created a website during COVID season where I write all of my favorite luxury lifestyle passions and other things I enjoy doing like cooking Ghanaian food and travel memories as well as life advice based on my life experiences which I post once a week to offer entertainment and education to my audience who also enjoy these kinds of blogs. Not only do I capture and share the colorful and flamboyant lifestyle to my audience who enjoy reading and researching lifestyle media, but I also have a website that showcases my profession and current business accomplishments which I just started and hope to be updating for anyone who would be interested in my services. When I finish with the second website, I can link both sites for easy access for my beloved audience or anyone who chances on it.

2. Seek out your audience

It can be challenging to locate your audience, so make an effort to interact thoughtfully and choose themes that will get people thinking. Many people lose sight of their own mission because they are so preoccupied with their employment. It takes self-assurance to engage with your own thoughts and experiences and post them on the internet in order to maintain a personal online identity. Maintaining a personal online brand takes confidence in yourself to engage with your own beliefs and experiences and upload them to the world, the more honest you are the better the response and the more interactive and compassionate your followers will become. Your voice will sound more real the more sincere you are.

3. Create a reliable business profile:

You may create a helpful and reliable business profile that tells a possible employer or client about your prior experience, talents, and challenges by combining your successes, knowledge, abilities, and expertise. Displaying a range of media on your website or online profiles demonstrates your expertise in a variety of different fields, and listing the online resources you have experience with and you are an expert in enables employers visiting your website to quickly determine whether you are qualified for the position or whether you might need some assistance with some online tools and training. Your testimonials are the most crucial and essential information since many potential employers are interested in what others have to say about you.

Instead of obsessing over the potential missed possibilities, optimize your goals and desires for the near future, and have faith that the next opportunity will present itself sooner rather than later. In the meantime utilize these social media platforms to help you build on your portfolio or update your profile on Linked in for potential employers to have access to you.

Thanks for reading.

Enjoy !!!!