
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in fashion, travel, style, food, and lifestyle. Hope you have a nice stay!




Goal setting is a very important part of achieving dreams. It is definitely essential for a successful life. Today, we will discuss how to set goals as a beginner. It will also serve as additional information for someone who already knows the benefits of setting goals. The key to your success is to choose goals that specifically move you towards the future you have in mind for yourself. Success is completing a goal. Without knowing the destination, it is difficult to know where you are going hence goal setting.

The question then is β€œwhy is it important for us to set goals”?

I believe it is important to set goals to serves as a guide in our life. It is the motivation that pushes us to the target we wish to achieve. It is the awakening power in us that urges us to work harder. Every morning when we wake up, our goals propel us to do the things that we do and even more since our main focus is to reach that goal. For students, our dream may be to graduate with honors therefore, it will be the set goals that will shape our path towards this successful dream. The same thing applies to a business owner or any career you may find yourself in. Without a goal, a person could be blown in any direction which will delay your achievement from materializing or even hinder them from happening. This is why it is very important to know how to set feasible goals which intend to lead us toward the success story we wish to have. The following are the main three points to consider in goal setting.

1.     Dream Big:

I believe before you even set out your goals, it is important to know what you wish to achieve in the end. Have a mindset and visualize what you wish to achieve. Continually dream of it day in and day out. Let your subconscious capture your dream so that you see it everywhere you go. By dreaming big, you set aside objectives that you wish to achieve. Describe this objective in detail and write them down. Practice writing down whatever comes into mind concerning your dream. When this is done, then set a goal that commands your thoughts liberates your energy as well as inspires your hopes in achieving them.

2.     Create Guidepost:

Although our minds can hold the content of what we wish to achieve, it is very important not to look down on creating guidelines for achieving these goals. Having a guidepost helps one to adjust and readjust the details of their goals when things do not go well as they have imagined. This also helps one to identify the pitfalls and loopholes of the goals set. After which solutions can be found to them. Answer questions such as: how do you feel, what do you want to experience, and what will be the main message you wish the world know you for? Answering these questions draws you closer to your goals. It helps your thoughts resonate with your actions. The guideposts also make your goals doable since they are detailed and improve navigation in your dream/career.

Be sure to take about three goals at a time in order not to be overwhelmed. It is easier to get into the nitty-gritty of explaining your goals with details and focus. By accomplishing smaller portions of the main dream, they all accumulate into the bigger picture. Do not rush the process. And do not over-burden yourself.

3.     Create a worksheet of plans:

After being able to identify your goals and being detailed with them, the next step is to implement them. Take Action. That is where most of us are not very faithful. I would advise having a strategic plan that will draw you closer to your goal even if you do not completely accomplish the goal in its entirety. By having daily plans, it would be difficult for you to be destructed from your goal. That is why most people take comfort in journaling which is a perfect way of tracking how you spend your day. This helps in tracking your activities into your achievements. Have a planner where you strategize your day in relation to your goal. As the day goes by, cancel out the activities you were able to successfully embark on and the ones that need to be carried over to the next day, rewrite them again. Bit by bit, you will get things done and it will accumulate into achieving your main goal.

With these tips, I believe my community will begin to set achievable goals. I had always dreamt of owning a fashion blog but I never put time or effort into manifesting it. Until I finally woke up one to set goals and work towards them. Plan feasible and achievable content and here I am now. So if I could do it, so are you. We can all achieve our goals by working at them. Enjoy setting feasible goals and reaching your dreams.


