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Life is full of choices, and the ones you make can have a physical, mental, and emotional impact on you. When you choose to let go of negative energy and open yourself up to positive energy, good things will come to you. I recall writing a blog about having a positive mindset and providing roughly five different methods to attain it, which I still follow. If you're interested in learning these methods, I'll provide a link HERE because I believe they're simple but effective.

My experience of losing two of the most important individuals in my life has led me to believe that life is brief. I've learned that no one, regardless of their standing, can guarantee tomorrow. And now that I'm in my 30s, there's no reason for me to leave no stone unturned or linger on negative thoughts; instead, I should be more positive and go after what I want.

Again, I believe that negativity drains a person, so why concentrate on negativity when you can perceive the same thing in a far more positive light? Why waste time and energy worrying about the unknown, about what you'll eat, how you'll sleep, and so on? One thing I'm certain of, is that fretting and being pessimistic will not change anything. The less time you give negativity a foothold in your mind and space, the closer you are to living your best life.

So, with those two factors of being positive at the forefront, here are three ways I am benefiting from this mindset.


When it comes to saying yes to things, I've always been the ordinary kind of person. When it comes to spending time with family and friends, I'm more than happy to say yes when I have the opportunity, but when it comes to professional choices, I'm hesitant of making incorrect judgments. For example, even though I am a scientist, I sometimes feel like I am not contributing enough, so when I am nominated for an award or feature, I sometimes believe I do not deserve it hence I attempt to decline. Saying "YES" to at least some of these outstanding achievement awards has given me more confidence in myself, and my narrative has helped others on their journey. The fear of uncertainty can make you want to say "NO" and give up altogether, but embrace positivity and give it your best, and you'll be shocked at the influence it would have on you and others. I understand that you cannot say "yes" to everything and everyone, so focus on what is worthwhile of your "yeses" and vice versa. Saying yes to the proper things signals to me that I'm finally attempting to strike a work-life balance.


As a result, if you are a believer, you are sorted out, and this Bible verse has been quite beneficial to me. It's sometimes necessary to take a step back and evaluate your life, and you'll notice how cruelly you've been treating yourself. However, there is always an opportunity for improvement in terms of protecting your mental health and interpersonal relationships. Continuing along the path of compassion is definitely something I want to pursue; after all, it's a win-win situation for both me and the people around me in every manner.


A work in progress that will take some time to grow on me, but one that I've already noticed a significant difference in - gaining a little perspective. When I'm attempting to balance everything on my small shoulders, I find that taking a step back and looking at the larger picture always helps me reorganize my priorities. It's beneficial for me to consider the larger picture not only in my professional life (deadline fear is all too real sometimes) but also in my personal life. When things don't go as planned, it's all too easy to be hard on myself, but taking a step back allows me to see that things aren't all that bad, and even if they are, there's always a way to learn, try again, and succeed the next time that obstacle comes.

I would like to know your thoughts and experiences on how being positive has impacted on your life.

