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The Power of Positive Mindset

There is power in positive thinking, it sounds like something we just say but it actually works. Being positive affects both our mental and physical well-being and most all our lives. Anyone who has a positive mindset is normally seen to be very confident, happy and most importantly help reduce a lot of medical conditions and other stress-related issues such as anxiety and nervous breakdown.

What is positive thinking? Defining what positive thinking is may be difficult because each person has a way they react to positive thinking and may sound ambiguous in a way if you look at it as having positive imagery in your mind being optimistic or even having positive energy. Hence I will say a positive mindset is an internal experience that a person allows his/herself to have. It requires conscious effort to constantly and continuously experience it.

Below may serve as tips to experiencing and having a positive mindset:

1.     Positive affirmations in the morning:

At first, I thought this was just a cliché, but I started actually practicing it and I saw so much improvement in my life. Normally after I wake up, I pray, study the bible and meditate on the words for a few minutes. After which I go into an app that I use called the “The Secret” and it gives me five to seven affirmations every morning which I say into my life and I allow my thoughts to dwell on and concentrate on throughout the day. These words definitely are in line with the word of God. As a Christian, I believe in meditating on the word of God Fay in and day out. I can testify I have felt so much more happiness in my heart than ever before. It is very important to note that, how one starts their morning sets the tone for the day and so I make sure the day starts off with a feeling of greatness and happiness and eliminate anything that brings fear and panic in my life. If your emotions are overridden by negativity, be sure to have bad experiences throughout the day. Instead of allowing negative energy to take over your life, why don’t you allow positivity to take over? Stand behind the mirror and say all the nice things you dream of to happen in your life to yourself and actually mean it. Say them as if it is already happening and you are living in the moment. It may sound tacky but I tell you, it works miracles and I can attest to that. For instance, I can say to myself, “I am going to be awesome and have great day today” and quickly run how I want the day to be like in my mind. With time and consistency, you will get better at it. And you will be amazed how it will transform your life.

2.     Focus on Positive ideas:

Whatever we put our minds to that is what we manifest in our lives and so I will say focus on positivity. On a normal day, it’s not always that things will go smoothly, sometimes life does happen but by focusing on the positive side of things, you will be able to conquer and sail through the storms smoothly. So when you are faced with challenges, don’t focus on the challenges but where those storms will lead you to, and be sure to be positive about it. Sometimes it is even better to laugh and see the humor in bad situations. For instance, if you were expecting a promotion at your workplace but instead you receive a letter that says you are laid off from work that will be a blow and will definitely affect you. And you might say, it is insane to see the positive side of being laid off from your job and that may seem ridiculous. But, what if this layoff leads you to get into the job of your dream with an amazing unexpected position. That’s what I’m talking about. The good book says, never lose hope and in every situation be thankful. Have you taken your time to ask why it says so because all things are possible with God?

3.     Let your bad past experiences be lessons

We all have times when we have had failures and our anxiety was high up. We are not perfect hence we are prone to making mistakes. But should we relent and stay there? Absolutely NO!! However, it will be prudent to not allow those failures to be a setback but a come-back that would even be bigger than before. Allow yourself to conceptualize these feelings and use them as set rules for future reference. Turn your failure into lessons learned and even be grateful for bringing you to the life you have today. Be focused and let positivity take control. In situations where negativity sets in, pinch yourself and have self-talk with yourself. Don’t be too hard on yourself but love yourself first and be strong to push through life successfully.

4.     Be focused on the present

Being in the present at a point in time is very important to be positive minded. When your day goes bad, let the past be past, focus on the present moment, and how to make it better for your next move. Being present in the moment is very important for your own well-being and even your relationship with other people. Let go of what happened even five minutes ago that didn’t serve you right or negative and focus on what is happening now that will reap positive results. Don’t exaggerate and escalate negativity when the ideas or thoughts come to mind, but rather let positivity overshadow your thoughts while enjoying the moment you are in. Hence staying in the present is the best way to elevate the power of positivity.

5.     Be with people with a positive mindset

Being positive requires that you be with people of like-mind. Whether they are friends, family, co-workers, or mentors. It is very true that peoples’ energy can be transmitted to you. This is because, as you hang out with Nay-Sayers who have the negative mentality, they keep talking to you and get into your mind which then affects your thoughts. If you are with people who exude positivity then their words will sink deep into your minds and affect how you think likewise. On the flip side, be positive when you are with other people. Speak words of encouragement and words that lift people up.

I will end here by saying there is power in having a positive mindset. Follow these tips and you will definitely see improvement in your life. Being positive brings you compounding returns that will make your life easier and full of happiness. Practice more of these tips and be consistent about it and you will definitely see results.

