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When I posted the first half of this topic last time, the majority of you messaged me on various platforms to indicate that you had thoroughly liked the reading and wished there had been more. I'll add more as I've already heard from several of you.

I am conscious of the universal longing for peace, which is escalating in this chaotic world. Most people are surprised by how calm I am in any situation, and occasionally they even find me laughing through every situation. God alone deserves all the honor since what I have achieved today was fought for in silence and in my closet years ago, and others are now benefiting from it. To maintain my mental health in all areas of my life, I'm still learning and growing.

Below are the other five points to secure our peace this year and in the years ahead.


Others will always have their own opinions about you. Hence, in no area of your life should you engage in arguments with others to prove a point. Just as it requires God's grace to strengthen us to avoid holding grudges, it takes grace for us to debate with grace so that others might grasp what we are saying.

When you're attempting to recover from discomfort, some folks have the propensity to make things worse. If it would cause you to lose your tranquility, find a way to deal with them, and don't let them crush your soul. If you can, avoid conflict for the sake of your mental health and peace in your life.


Speaking too soon or too much can ruin your peace. A friend of mine sent me a quote from a book and I really want to share a little bit with you all. “When you are trying to impress people with words, the more you say, the more common you appear, and the less in control. Even if you are saying something banal, it will seem original if you make it vague, open-ended, and sphinxlike. Powerful people impress and intimidate by saying less. The more you say, the more likely you are to say something foolish”. This is a beautiful article and it sums up everything I want to discuss here.

Less is more as the fashion gurus put it so it is in communication. Silence is golden in so many situations. People who overshare always want to prove something. Say less and leave some things for yourself. Be mysterious in your ways and that will help keep your peace. Especially on these social media platforms, if you can, keep your private life private. Share what is necessary because if many people have access to your situation, things can get messy. Share just enough to keep your peace. Even the Bible admonishes us to be wise and talk less (Proverbs 10:19 Proverbs 18:2, Proverbs 21:23, and James 1:9)


Be comfortable with your reality. Some people just cannot be alone by themselves and enjoy their own company. I don’t know why but that is one thing I am good at. I love my space because it allows me to communicate with God and also allows me to be in tune with myself if I need to reflect or meditate.

I've come to believe that by doing this, I've learned enough about myself to understand how to treat others. I know you that, do to others as you want them to do to you. Thus, if you are aware of who you are, you will treat others with the same respect and consideration that you give to yourself. The most contentment you can experience is when you are with yourself, and if you are unable to be with yourself, you may require a lot of assistance, either from a therapist or someone you can confide in. Because, in my opinion, having serenity and peace of mind in your life starts there.


Keep relationships that do not respect you at arm's length. This is not only towards romantic relationships but also friendships. Realize that you are valuable and if people do not see your worth and you have to prove it over and over to them then I am sorry to say you might be in a toxic relationship and it is time to move on. Notice, I did not say cut them out but separate yourself to keep your peace and focus on your growth.

At this point in my life, if my spirit does not align with an individual I try to respectively stay away from them. I definitely will come to your events or even chat with you when we meet but you will not be my first line of contact if I need somebody to talk to or assist me with something important to me. Before you can stay away, you need to recognize these people so pay attention to people’s actions and what they say around you. This world would be a better place if we all recognize we need each other, but the reality on the ground is not like that so to keep your sanity recognize those who uplift you, help you grow physically or spiritually, lend you a helping hand, and reciprocate your kindness. You can add more qualities to what I have listed here if it keeps your sanity and peace in life.


Nothing gets resolved by fretting and moaning about problems. It took me a long time to get to this place, but I think I've reached one where I can pray to God for anything and then just wait to see what He has in store for me. When we pray, we typically want an immediate response. Sorry to disappoint you, but most of the time it doesn't operate that way. Sometimes the result of prayer is nothing at all, and other times we must wait a while before receiving an answer.

Patience and long-suffering are virtues that are not easy to attain, hence I would encourage you to seek God’s face. It is important to still ask God for strength during the waiting period because sometimes it does take a long time. One thing I know about myself is that if I ask something and it is not immediately answered and the answer is delayed, the outcome always has the "wow” factor attached to my request so this calms me down. Because I know what is being prepared for me is much greater than what I asked for. While you wait, punishing yourself by worrying does not solve anything.

We may live a day without worry if we seek God in everything we do. The God we worship has told us to ask, seek, and look and we shall be answered, but we are not experiencing all these breakthroughs because we are doing nothing but worrying. Let me tell you this because someone might need to hear it. After you've taken all the necessary steps, pray and let God handle the rest in allowing the miracle to occur. Worrying undoubtedly disrupts our peace, therefore if you believe in God, you will entirely depend on him in all circumstances. It is the key to my mental stability, and I hope it also becomes yours.

Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think of these points and if you have any points on how you keep your peace, let me know in the comment section.

