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Going to a conference as a graduate student can be difficult, time-consuming, and very stressful. I have been to so many conferences as a graduate student and I have gathered a few things that helped me to go through the process so easily therefore I would love to share them with you. What to do in preparation as well as some things to do while in the conference. Recently, I went to a conference in Denver, Colorado and these tips helped me a lot. Below are the steps:

  1. Presentation Preparation: Mostly if you are going to a conference as a graduate student then probably you are going to give a presentation either orally or poster. Hence there is the need to prepare for this before you travel. First, make sure you prepare all your Powerpoint slides or Poster in reference to the requirement by the conference guidelines. After that, make sure you go through the PowerPoint (PPT) slides with your professor to edit and correct all mistakes that may be present. After the edit, if time is on your side, practice your presentation with your Professor, lab mates/colleagues, or friends, and while at it make sure to monitor your time in order to present within the stipulated time for your presentation. Continue practicing to the point where you become familiar with each PowerPoint slide and know what to say for each item on the slide. Make your presentation very brief and understandable and very easy to grasp. The most important idea/concept that you want to relay to your audience must be clear. You also have to do all the paperwork with your department's main office in order to get reimbursed for the money that you have spent over the days at the conference. Some departments have per-diems so know your cut in order not to overspend while away.

  2. Book your Hotel ahead of time: During the time of the conference, hotels can be scarce and for that matter, it is prudent to book your hotel ahead of time. So far as you are sure of going, book your hotel. Find a hotel that is closer to the conference convention center in order not to make trips to get to the center. Most students are allowed to share hotel rooms so you must plan in that direction to share the expenses in the hotel with your roommate. It will be nice to find a hotel that serves breakfast if only you find one but if not that is fine.

  3. Plan your outfits: If you are sure you are going for this trip, there is the need to plan your outfit. For me, I plan my outfits for each trip and mostly I take pictures of how I want to put them together in the house in front of a mirror in order not to over-pack and make sure every item I have will be used. On your presentation day, dress formally and look sharp, smart, and confident. You can be casual afterward but I always prefer to dress formally throughout my time at the conference center because you never know who you will meet out there. You can do the same if that is your thing or casual if you feel comfortable and confident in that. If you are going by car then probably you can pack more but they should be essentials. Mostly, these conferences take three to four days, hence plan as such. Check the weather ahead of time before you travel to the conference in order to pack appropriately.

  4. Plan where to visit and food to eat: If where you are going is a new place for you, take advantage of this trip and find at least one or two tourist sites or places you would wish to visit. Going for graduate conferences is not only for educational purposes, there can also be a recreational part of it which is the opportunity to visit new sites. Since traveling is expensive for the graduate student, this is a great opportunity for you to explore the town or state that you are in. But make sure you walk in groups especially if you are not familiar with the place. When it comes to food, try new cuisines and explore new restaurants. I am not good at picking restaurants hence I mostly go out with my colleagues per their recommendations. Explore and enjoy your trip.

  5. Network: Networking is one of the most important things to do at graduate conferences. You are going to meet new people at these conferences so don’t limit your scope. There are people from all walks of life and science including professors, students, people from the industry, government workers, employers looking for employees, professors looking for students and postdocs, etc, hence it is a great opportunity to build networks. Try to talk to at least two people outside your circle every day and make new friends and acquaintances. Building a network is the most important point on the list here because that is how you progress as a graduate student aside from your degree. Networking and connecting with people from different places lay a foundation for your future. I am a testimony of that. I will tell you the story sometime. The organizers of the conferences also create the opportunity for people to meet by having mixers and an exhibition hall where people meet to have some drinks and enjoy each other’s company so go to these functions and meet people.

I will end here but I have put together a little travel vlog for my conference in Denver, Colorado. Attached is the video. Enjoy reading and watching.

